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Zero Pesticide

Since they thrive in a balanced nutrient solution, the plants are less susceptible to pests and weed growth. As a result, pesticides are no longer needed.

Long Lasting Freshness

We have instilled our dedication to sustainability and longevity through the procedure of hydroponic farming. In addition, the nutrient-dense commodity has a longer shelf life.

95% Less Water Used

The water nutrient solution is fed to the plants automatically in a closed circulation system in a successful hydroponic system. As a result, hydroponics uses 95% less water than soil-based agriculture.

Full Of Nurients

Hydroponically grown plants usually have a higher nutrition value as they directly feed on water that has higher nutritional value in closed circulation.

Pure & Tasty

Fresh and long lasting plants grown hydroponically are also as tasty as any normally grown plant. Factor in the purity of the product and now the advantages are obvious!

Quality Control

The reforms and regulations of quality control are formed based on guidelines by UNECE standards. At Satvk, the crop is scrutinized from the germination to final packing to eliminate any possibility to compromise in quality.


Basil has been utilized in some form or another in practically every part of the world and has amassed its fascinating history throughout the centuries. The woody plant has a wonderful aroma and can be sweet, savory, or spicy.

Herbs are far more profitable than leafy greens, and they may be an excellent crop line for market gardeners and to be grown hydroponically. All of the common basil kinds can be grown hydroponically, thus the decision is more related to the flavour of the basil itself. It is most recognized now for its adaptability and unique flavour, which adds herbaceousness to a broad range of meals all across the world.

  • Calories:               16 kcal.
  • Protein:                 1.3 g.
  • Carbohydrates:   2.8 g.
  • Fat:                          0.3 g.


Thyme is a versatile herb that may be used in a variety of dishes, notably in Mediterranean cuisine. Thyme has an unmistakably strong fragrance, with a subtle minty undertone, and may be used either dried or fresh. This spice is packed with nutrients, making it a healthy addition to your diet.

-It reduces the risk of cancer.

-It is a natural anti-fungal.

-Reduces Inflammation.

-Prevents food poisoning.

A one-teaspoon serving of fresh thyme contains:

  • Calories:                   0.8 kcal
  •  Protein:                   0 grams
  •  Fat:                            0 grams
  •  Carbohydrates:     0.2 grams
  •  Fiber:                       0.1 grams


Many cuisines across the globe use oregano as a basic herb. It has a robust taste that adds warmth to meals while also providing a slight sweetness. It is available as fresh, dried, and oil, all of which are said to have significant health benefits. Oregano has certain essential elements, although being used in tiny doses. One teaspoon of dried oregano provides around 8% of your daily vitamin K requirements.

With just 100 gms of of oregano herb, you may get:

  • Dietary Fibre:       112%
  • Folates:                    59%
  • Pyridoxine:            80%
  • Vitamin C:              4%
  • Vitamin A:              57%


Mint refers to a group of over a dozen plant species of the Mentha genus, including peppermint and spearmint. These plants are well-known for their ability to provide a cooling sensation. They come in both fresh and dried forms and may be used in a variety of dishes. Mint is used in a variety of meals and beverages, from teas and alcoholic beverages to sauces, salads, and desserts. While eating the plant has certain health advantages, research has shown that applying mint to the skin and breathing its scent has additional health benefits.

In little about 1/3 cup or half an ounce (14 grams) of spearmint, you’ll find the following ingredients:

  • Calories:               6 kcal.
  • Fibre:                     1 gm.
  • Vitamin A:           12% of the RDI.
  • Iron:                       9% of the RDI.  
  • Manganese:         8% of the RDI.
  • Folate:                   4% of the RDI.


Cilantro is the name given to the plant’s leaves, which may be used fresh or dried, while coriander is the name given to the plant’s seeds, which are commonly crushed and used as a spice.

Cilantro has been farmed and used since antiquity, and it is now grown commercially in nearly every country. It is a prominent ingredient in Mexican-inspired dishes such as salsa, bean dips, and guacamole, as well as a topping for chili, tacos, and enchiladas.


One cup of Raw Cilantro weighing about 16 grams (g) provides:

  • 3.68 calories
  • 0.083 grams (g) of fat
  • 0.587 g of carbs
  • 0.341 g of protein


Rosemary is a fragrant Mediterranean plant with a long history. It has a toasty, bitter flavour and adds flavour and scent to a variety of dishes. Rosemary can also be used in tea, as an essential oil, or as a liquid extract.

Rosemary is well-known not just for its flavour and aroma, but also for the numerous health advantages it provides. Rosemary has been used for medical purposes for millennia and is an excellent source of iron, calcium, and vitamins A, C, and B-6.

Health benefits-

Manganese, a vital mineral for metabolic health, is abundant in rosemary. Manganese also aids in the formation of blood clots, allowing injuries to heal more quickly.

Rosemary offers a slew of other health advantages, including:

  • Potentially Reduced Risk of Cancer
  • Immune System Support
  • Stress Reduction
  • Improvement in  memory and concentration 

A single spring of rosemary contains: 

With just 100 gms of of oregano herb, you may get:

  • Calories:                 3.9 kcal
  • Protein:                   0.1 gms 
  • Fat:                           0.2 gms
  • Carbohydrates:    0.6 gms
  • Fibre:                       0.4 gms


Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is a versatile plant that may be used in a variety of dishes as well as for therapeutic purposes. Though parsley is most commonly taken as a meal, it is also available as a nutritional supplement as tea. Extracts of parsley’s leaves, seeds, and/or roots, according to proponents, can assist cure a variety of health problems, including digestive problems. Traditional treatment for indigestion and intestinal gas is, for example, a tea prepared from parsley seeds. Parsley is also frequently recommended for reducing menstruation cramps and removing extra water weight.

A 1/2 cup (30 grams) of fresh, chopped parsley provides:

  • Calories:        11 calories
  • Carbs:             2 grams
  • Protein:         1 gram
  • Fat:                  Less than 1 gram
  • Fiber:              1 gram
  • Vitamin A:    108% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
  • Vitamin C:     53% of the RDI
  • Vitamin K:    54% of the RDI


Chives can rapidly take over a garden, so divide them every three to four years to give your other plants a fighting chance. They are, however, becoming increasingly popular as garden additions because of their appealing flavour. Apart from their garlicky flavour, chives have a lot of health benefits worth knowing about.

  • Energy:             0.9 calories
  • Vitamin K:       6.38 micrograms (mcg)
  • Vitamin C:       1.74 milligrams (mg)
  • Folate:               3.15 mcg, or 1% of the DV
  • Vitamin A:        6.43 mcg, or 1% of the DV